47 sinónimos encontrados en 7 grupos
  1. 1
    Significado: light
    facetious flippant sprightly frivolous airy dainty off-hand whimsical
  1. 2
    Significado: casual
    relaxed natural easy informal
    unceremonious breezy off-hand unofficial
  2. 3
    Significado: brusque
    abrupt cavalier curt short off-hand
  3. 4
    Significado: informal
    casual unprepared extemporaneous
    spontaneous impromptu off-hand
  4. 5
    Significado: scornful
    disdainful insolent off-hand impertinent
    audacious cavalier bold contemptuous
  1. 6
    Significado: concise
    off-hand abbreviated quick blunt
    brief laconic short curt
  2. 7
    Significado: incidentally
    off-hand casually accidentally by the way

Sinónimos para off

67 sinónimos encontrados en 10 grupos

Sinónimos para hand

63 sinónimos encontrados en 11 grupos

Palabras similares a off-hand

ᐅ Todos los sinónimos para off-hand | Significados y palabras similares

Sinónimos anteriores y posteriores a off-hand

  • off the cuff
  • off the record
  • off the top of one's head
  • off to
  • off work
  • off year
  • off-beat
  • off-centre
  • off-color
  • off-colour
  • off-hand
  • off-planet
  • off-white
  • offence
  • offend
  • offended
  • offender
  • offense
  • offensive